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Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy

Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy

Chiropractic is a method that means treatment by touch used for therapeutic purposes since 1895. The basis of this technique or philosophy is the correct stimulation of the nervous system. The goal is to ensure the proper functioning of the human spine. When we investigate the origin of this treatment, we see that it dates back to Ancient Greece. At that time, it was welcomed by people as a mystical miraculous cure.

What Is Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy?

Chiropractical means treatment with touch. Since touch and contact are often important in the treatment of spinal problems, this technique is often preferred in the treatment of spinal pain, lumbar and neck hernias. Compared to other types of treatment, we can say that it is extremely effective and has a higher chance of success.

Developed by D. D. Palmer in 1895, it is also approved by the WHO. This form of treatment is preferred in 89 countries. Today, there are still neighborhood dislocations in cases such as foot-hand sprains, lumbar stiffness and neck pain. Getting help from these people is extremely dangerous. Applications made by non-experts in the field can lead to more serious health problems.

Chiropractic treatment is carried out effectively thanks to knowing the human body, knowing the skeletonal, muscle, joint and spinal system. Those who perform this treatment are medical professionals who are professionals in their fields. It is a treatment that stimulates the body’s self-healing pattern and encourages it to become active. It does not have any harm or side effects.

How is Chiropractic Manipulation Treatment Done?

According to research, heart and vascular diseases are among the leading causes of death. These diseases can also be caused by problems such as hernia caused by reasons such as improper sitting, overload of the neck area, heavy lifting. Among the reasons for these, we can also count factors such as intense work tempo, depression and stress. Chiropractic treatment involves treating such diseases by touching and manipulating them. In this technique, touches to important points become important.

The human body consists of the spines from the brain part to the coccyx. Inside the spines is the spinal cord. The brain is a system that provides communication between the body, legs and arms, consists of nerve tissues and stimulates our sensory organs. Over time, changes in the spine can be observed. Factors such as posture disorders, stressful life conditions, wrong body movements, occupational deformation, cleanliness, sports, working in severe conditions can cause slippage and wear on the spine. Such developments often create pain and negatively affect the quality of life. That’s where chiropractic manipulation treatment comes in.

What Diseases Does Chiropractic Manipulation Treat?

Chiropractic Manipulation Therapy is a profession of physiotherapy and is practiced by specialists. These people are professionals in getting to know the human body. Because of this, they can effectively carry out chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic manipulation therapy may be preferred for the following diseases:

  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder pain and calcification
  • Knee problems
  • Posture disorders
  • Fibromyalgia muscle aches that occur under intense stress
  • Migraine pains
  • Waist and neck hernia
  • Low back and neck pain

Chiropractic Treatment for Back, Neck and Low Back Pain

Situations such as sitting for long hours, work stress, tensions can lead to back, neck and lumbar pain. Chiropractic treatment may be preferred for these pains that have become chronic. Correct techniques should be applied manually to bring the spine to a healthy and correct position for the body and to eliminate the pressure on the nerves that cause various pains. In this way, it will be possible to get rid of back, waist and neck pain. It is also a question of getting rid of migraine pains with chiropractic treatment.

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