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Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose Veins Treatment

The expansion of the veins located in the legs is known as varicose veins. People who have to stay up for too many hours are at risk for varicose veins. In addition, genetics is also an important factor in the formation of varicose veins. Varicose veins can be eliminated by various methods of treatment.

Factors Triggering Varicose Veins

People who work standing up for long hours are more likely to have varicose veins. Genetic factors also play an important role in varicose veins. The family history of the individual should be examined and it should be checked whether he is an heir or not. Another factor for varicose veins is hot weather. Alcohol and cigarettes have negative effects on everything as well as varicose veins.

However, varicose veins may occur in women after pregnancy. We can say that the frequency of varicose veins in women is higher than in men. The most important cause of the varicose vein problem is genetics. Essentially, varicose veins are hereditary. This means that if you have an heir in your family, you have it too. In individuals who are genetically predisposed to varicose veins, the vessels are thinner and weaker structured. In addition, the frequency of varicose veins is quite high in sedentary and standing individuals. Individuals who have excess weight, the menopause process, those who use birth control pills and those who take hormone pills are also likely to have varicose veins.

Causes Triggering Varicose Veins

Veins are the veins that transmit blood from the body to the heart. The enlargement that occurs in these vessels in the legs is known as varicose veins. For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor needs to take ultrasound. Frequently, individuals consult a doctor with complaints of swelling and pain. When it comes to standing for long hours, this pain manifests itself more.

There is also the fact that the veins on the legs become noticeably noticeable and bruises occur. In the case of standing and working long hours sitting down, swelling in the legs may occur. This problem is caused by the fact that the valves in the inner part of the vessels cannot prevent the blood from escaping back. Due to the blood escaping back, there is a pooling in the vessels and this leads to the expansion of the vessels and their folding over time.

Conditions That Promote Varicose Vein Formation

The problem of varicose veins affects people from some professions more. For example, since the hostesses spend a large part of their time standing, the people who frequently encounter the problem of varicose veins are the hostesses. In the same way, people who work very long hours standing up are also included in the risk group. Genetics is also an important issue when it comes to varicose veins. In addition, varicose veins can be seen at the end of pregnancy in women. Alcohol and smoking also have negative effects on varicose veins. The possibility of this problem occurring in people from professional groups such as surgeons, clerks, and teachers is quite high. Varicose veins can also occur in people who are overweight, those in the menopause process, those who use hormones and birth control pills.

Varicose Veins Diagnosis and Places with the Most Varicose Veins

Since the legs are located in the lower area of our body, this problem occurs most often in the legs. Because of this, varicose veins appear mainly on the legs. The diagnosis of the varicose vein problem is first made by a detailed examination by a doctor who specializes in vascular and cardiac surgery. Then, color Doppler ultrasonography is performed. In this technique, with the help of sound waves, the structure of the vein, whether there is clotting in the inner part, what kind of operation will be appropriate, in which area the operation will be performed, the success rate of the treatment are determined. A technique called venography is also used to visualize the vessels by transmitting drugs into the vein.

Complaints Caused by Varicose Veins and Side Effects

The conditions caused by varicose veins can be listed as follows:

  • Problems such as night cramps
  • Combustion
  • Feeling of quick fatigue and heaviness
  • Feeling of restlessness that cannot be described as pain in the full sense of the word
  • Increased pain, especially with standing
  • Appearance to be aesthetic
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